• Extraction of Viral DNA/RNA from various clinical samples within 20 minutes • High yield and purity viral DNA / RNA extraction with powerful lysis buffer • Easy extraction without enzyme treatment • Be used safely with non-phenol method and no need for EtOH precipitation • OIE listed product based on various clinical sample results • Be useful for molecular diagnostic studies on clinical samples by minimizing contamination by CAPS Viral Gene-spin™ Viral DNA/RNA Extraction Kit is designed to extract virus DNA/RNA easily and quickly from the various clinical samples such as serum, plasma, cell-free fluid, stool, whole blood, tissue, swab, urine, cultured cell and virus infection tissue, etc. Viral Gene-spin™ Viral DNA/RNA Extraction Kit has a very powerful lysis buffer that effectively dissolves and denatures virus envelope and capside protein without additional enzyme treatment (except some viruses) to easily elute viral gene and effectively inactivate RNase. The binding buffer added after the elution helps to attach genes only to silica-gel membrane, and two different washing buffers efficiently remove proteins and other contaminants to get high purity viral gene. The Viral Gene-spin™ Viral DNA/RNA Extraction Kit does not use harmful organic solvents, so it can be used safely. Even it can extract pure viral gene very quickly without EtOH precipitation. In addition, CAPS is applied to columns to minimize the risk of contamination (see Figure 1). The viral genes isolated and purified from the Viral Gene-spin™ Kit can be used for viral diagnostics, cancer research etc. Especially, it is useful for clinical diagnosis of people or animals that have been infected by virus or bacteria.