EasySeq 16S rRNA Bacterial ID Kit
catalog number
catalog number: RC-16S096
rnx: 96
Brand: Nimagen
catalog number: RC-16S096S
rnx: 96 Sample
Brand: Nimagen
The Next Revolution in Microbial NGS! Introduction: All bacteria and archaea contain a ribosomal subunit known as 16S that is around 1,500 nucleotides long and contains nine hypervariable regions (V1-V9) spread out among highly conserved regions that are genus- or speciesspecific. Sequencing of the 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene, an established genetic marker, is the gold standard for the analysis of bacterial samples for identification and classification of both pure cultures and mixed sample analysis. Through introduction of Next-generation Sequencing (NGS), the 16S rRNA method is now also widely used to deconvolute complex microbial communities, such as soil samples and human gut microbiomes. EasySeq™ 16S rRNA Bacterial ID provides the complete analysis of the variable regions 1-6 and 9 of the bacterial 16S rRNA gene, based on the simplified workflow of Reverse Complement PCR, using integrated target amplification and indexing. This kit supports an NGS driven bacterial identification strategy for infectious disease, contamination investigation and root cause analysis testing. Analyzing hypervariable regions V1-V6 and V9 for mainly bacterial identification from clinical samples, for use with shorter amplicons in a two-pool multiplex reaction. Compatibility: This kit is used with DNA extracted from pure culturesand also allow direct amplification of DNA from clinical materials. Libraries are compatible with Illumina®.
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EasySeq 16S rRNA Bacterial ID Kit
EasySeq 16S rRNA Bacterial ID Kit
The Next Revolution in Microbial NGS! Introduction: All bacteria and archaea contain a ribosomal subunit known as 16S that is around 1,500 nucleotides long and contains nine hypervariable regions (V1-V9) spread out among highly conserved regions that are genus- or speciesspecific. Sequencing of the 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene, an established genetic marker, is the gold standard for the analysis of bacterial samples for identification and classification of both pure cultures and mixed sample analysis. Through introduction of Next-generation Sequencing (NGS), the 16S rRNA method is now also widely used to deconvolute complex microbial communities, such as soil samples and human gut microbiomes. EasySeq™ 16S rRNA Bacterial ID provides the complete analysis of the variable regions 1-6 and 9 of the bacterial 16S rRNA gene, based on the simplified workflow of Reverse Complement PCR, using integrated target amplification and indexing. This kit supports an NGS driven bacterial identification strategy for infectious disease, contamination investigation and root cause analysis testing. Analyzing hypervariable regions V1-V6 and V9 for mainly bacterial identification from clinical samples, for use with shorter amplicons in a two-pool multiplex reaction. Compatibility: This kit is used with DNA extracted from pure culturesand also allow direct amplification of DNA from clinical materials. Libraries are compatible with Illumina®.